Thursday, March 7, 2013

Twin Flame Counterfeit Signs

twin flame signs

Twin Flame Counterfeit Signs

So, you met the most amazing love stud, or potential partner, and you’re smitten. You are sure he’s your Twin Flame because everything is so magical and synchronistic. You’ve never experienced a love like this. Things progress and you feel so in love, you’re jumping for joy and it truly feels like he/she must be the one, your one true Twin Flame.
Then, wham, something sneaky happens and it pulls your world apart, and it pulls you two apart…but mainly, it pulls YOU apart! Maybe it turns out that he’s not ready, he can’t commit, he’s got another relationship or has a wife and kids he won’t leave. You feel stuck, like you’re struggling to stay afloat, because you’ve never loved like this before – it makes you feel like you are going crazy! At some point, he’s no longer in the picture. Something is keeping you two apart… What is this crazy cosmic fate? Do you still have a chance, will he come back? Perhaps this could be a test from the universe? Like, he really could be your Twin and this is just some obstacle to overcome…
You likely already know that Twin Flames are simply a representation or reflection of ourselves, of own self-love. So, perhaps you can heal or fix something within yourself so he’ll come running back. Right?

He (or she) is your Twin Flame if:
1) He’s still in the picture and you’ve seen each other’s glory and you’ve seen each other’s $h*t!
2) You’re willing to let him go, even if he is amazing, if he doesn’t treat you like the goddess you truly are
3) Your inner child is healed and has cleared abandonment and abuse traumas
4) You can surrender to the moment, and being apart doesn’t make you crazy, it feels like a lightness even though you may miss him
5) All (or at least most) of your love addictions are cleared and resolved
6) The love between you both is balanced, where both partners love each other equally, perhaps in different ways
7) Both partners are emotionally available, with the man and woman available to express fears, joys, sadness, etc
8) Both parties are on an Ascension Path and are focused on self-discovery, soul evolution, spiritual connection, and service
9) Neither partner is involved in a marriage or past relationship that is unresolved, which would leak sexual energy from the Twin Flame signs and counterpart
10) Both members are energetically clear and take care of their own healing in body, mind and spirit. This may look different for each member (one may be a raw vegan and the other a meat eating body builder!) but both people have brought a lot of light into their bodies
11) Your partner aligns you to be in service, step further into self-love, self-empowerment, and the Sacred Union supports your growth

Signs of the Twin Flame Counterfeit:
1) Constant mulling over in your mind, “Is he my Twin Flame?”
2) Constant checking in with psychics and energy healers to make him want you back or being hopeful he’ll want you back if he has gone away
3) VERY likely he’s a TFC if he’s involved with another woman and hasn’t showed up for the relationship fully
4) Emotional unavailability on his part
5) Emotional over-availability on your part
6) Feeling insecure or unsafe around your partner but proceeding anyway
7) Jumping in quickly into the relationship without feeling safe within your self, your sacred sexuality, your finances, and your own power
8) Jumping into the relationship to avoid taking action and power over your own life
9) Using the relationship as a distraction that focuses your attention away from your career, spiritual mission, and being of service
10) You feel like your whole world would be turned upside-down if he decides to leave you/doesn’t come back
11) You don’t fully love yourself unless he loves you back (conditional self-love vs. unconditional self-love)
If reading the above list feels intense, deep breath, it’s all good! It’s better to face the energy now, work on it, heal it, and step into self love sooner than later. The longer you prolong your self-healing, the worse it gets. Everything can be healed. You have support, you are lovable, even if one specific human you though might be your Twin Flame might not be. Don’t beat yourself up, love yourself! I know I beat myself up a lot when I went through my own Dark Night of the Soul with my Twin Flame Counterpart, so it’s not easy. However, deep healing came through unconditional self-love and learning to be compassionate. And each of us has certain karmas and possibly past life experiences to clear and heal. There’s a reason for everything. Pay attention to the twin flame signs.

Discover more tips about twin flame signs here
(Reference source: